Show Employee Appreciation with a Top-Quality Company Event
News HomeShow Employee Appreciation with a Top-Quality Company Event

As of this writing, the U.S. unemployment rate is at a 50-year low. Great news, right? It would take a real pessimist to see a downside to that statistic, and yet…
If you’re a business owner, that nearly historically low unemployment rate makes it a challenge getting new hires. Fewer people are looking for work, and it’s a buyer’s market in terms of pay demands. It’s as critical as it’s ever been to keep your people happy and less likely to stray for greener pastures.
That puts a spotlight on the importance of showing your appreciation for work well done. One way of doing that is by throwing a party, a company event that shows your appreciation in a very concrete way.
Here are some of the questions you should ask when considering a golf club in Las Vegas or another such celebratory venue.
What’s your theme? Sure, your bottom-line is to “throw a party for a key employee so he or she won’t go to work for a competitor.” But those words won’t be spoken out loud. You need to figure out why you’re throwing this party at this time. Perhaps it’s a milestone anniversary — your employee’s tenth year with the company, let’s say. Or you’re throwing a birthday or celebrating a victory brought about by this person — an important new client win, crucial assistance in achieving a merger, whatever. The important thing is to establish a reason for this event.
What will you spend? Think about what it would cost to lose that valued employee and the actual cost of training a replacement. Now, how much of that total are you willing to spend on this event? Don’t be afraid to ask cost details, or mention your budget up front and see what you can get for it.
Does the atmosphere reflect your culture? What does culture have to do with anything? What it means is that you’ll want your event and the facility to fit your company’s “vibe,” for lack of a better word. Your vibe is the personality of your company and the people in it. Are you, as a company, five-star formal? Or are you young and impulsive? That might help determine whether you’re thinking about a round of golf with an open bar on the 19th hole, or a formal dinner and dance with orchestra.
What’s in the package? Precisely what are you getting for your money? Will the price include parking, drinks, dinner, and a round of golf? Your party is likely to be more successful if you can fill the time with a variety of things to do. After all, not everyone might drink alcoholic beverages. Will they want to mingle and drink club soda for three hours?
Will space and layout work? How many people are you inviting? How many will bring spouses or guests? Make sure your space accommodates the expected guest list. No one wants to feel cramped when celebrating.
Does the location meet practical considerations? It’s fun to wander a golf course and “test drive” an appetizer menu. But this is where you also consider the less sexy elements of your event. For instance, how conveniently located in the facility to invitees? If it’s a two-hour drive for everyone but you, that might be a problem. How about parking? Is it nearby, or are guests going to have to walk for blocks — possibly in the rain? Speaking of rain, will there be an indoor component to this event in case the weather doesn’t hold? These “boring” considerations could make or break your event.
Contact DragonRidge Country Club
We offer corporate events Las Vegas that match your budget, theme, guest list preferences, and corporate expectations. Reach out to Brandi Montano, Director of Catering and Wedding Sales at (702) 835-8582 or BMontano@DragonRidgeCC.
We’ll help you plan the perfect employee appreciation event whether you’re a club DragonRidge member or not.